Thursday, March 9, 2017


The first small palace was built in mid-fifteenth century for Cardinal Nicolò Acciapacci
Rebuilt in 1505/07 for the Cardinal Giovanni Fazio Santoro who was expelled by Pope Julius II Della Rovere (1503/13) in favor of his nephew, Francesco Maria I Della Rovere
It was bought in 1601 by Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini and expanded
It was brought as a dowry in 1647 by Olimpia Maidalchini to Camillo Pamphilj for whom it was enlarged in 1659 by Antonio Del Grande (about 1625/79) who also designed the TWO FAÇADES ON PIAZZA DEL COLLEGIO ROMANO
“The rhythm adopted is complex and discontinuous: to respect it, taking account of the interior spaces, Del Grande was forced to introduce false windows. The best results are achieved in the details, where, despite giving up substantial innovations, he gave proof of considerable subtleties of interpretation. The most interesting episode however, is the large vestibule, whose oval is divided by two pairs of free columns. (...) The arrangements of the vaults and of the free supports creates a fluid and indeterminate space: the staircase, grafting the vestibule with an oval smaller space, leaves intact the levitation effect, which has no direct precedent in the Roman architecture of the seventeenth century” (Manfredo Tafuri - Biographical Dictionary of Italian Treccani)
FAÇADE ON VIA DEL CORSO 1731/34 masterpiece by Gabriele Valvassori (1683/1761)
“He designed an unprecedented solution for the front main composition. Notwithstanding the Borromini matrix, the undisputed leading role played by the windows, the varied and imaginative forms they take, the wise rhythmic score, the attention to details, make the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj unique in eighteenth-century Roman palace style” (Carlo Bertelli, Giuliano Briganti, Antonio Giuliano)
WING AND FAÇADE ON VIA DEL PLEBISCITO 1739/44 and noble staircase 1748/49 by Paolo Ameli (1739/49)
Latest additions were in 1846 until the end of 1800 including the FAÇADES ON VICOLO DORIA E VIA DELLA GATTA by Andrea Busiri Vici (1818/1911)

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