Wednesday, January 18, 2017


1885/87 Giulio De Angelis (1850/1906) and Sante Bucciarelli (1848/94)
1917 raised with an extra floor again by Giulio De Angelis
1920 cantilever roof by Pio Piacentini (1846/1928)
The INTERIORS were painted by Annibale Brugnoli (1843/1915) with paintings of which unfortunately no trace remains
It was the first department store in Rome, formerly known as STABILIMENTO BOCCONI (Bocconi Establishment) or ALLE CITTÀ D’ITALIA (To the Cities of Italy)
The first elevators and escalators ever in Rome were installed here
It was called LA RINASCENTE (The Reborning One) by the poet Gabriele D'Annunzio in 1917 for its reconstruction following a fire. Similar fate had just happened shortly before to its counterpart in Milan
“He showed independent and unconventional temperament and mastery of the most advanced construction techniques, linked to the industrial production of his time. With the Bocconi building Giulio De Angelis experimented in the typology of the department store, a risk in many ways, including that of opposing rooted habits and social behaviors, and he won this very difficult comparison test, giving Rome the first building of great size fully intended for commercial use” (Giuseppe Miano - Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani Treccani)
In 2006 the building was bought for about € 125 million by the Spanish group ZARA and La Rinascente in 2010 moved across the street, in the Palazzo dell'Istituto di Beni Stabili (Galleria Alberto Sordi)
The preparation of the new store lasted about one year and the architecture has been restored to the initial design of Giulio De Angelis, a project advanced for its time in the use of steel structures in construction and with huge and bright windows

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